AltiSora is developing technology that will produce integrally waterproof foamed concrete. We have developed a concrete (or cement) additive (or admixture), that allows the production of a lightweight (foamed) concrete with a high integral waterproofing under hydrostatic pressure conditions. We are looking for partners or customers that would like to join us on our journey to maximize the utility of this technology, which can be used in a variety of applications. Please contact us to explore – we would love the opportunity to discuss!
Flat roofs are esthetically pleasing and practical but plagued with waterproofing challenges and frequent maintenance. One exciting possible use of our technology is the construction of flat concrete roofs that will be light weight, with permanent built in waterproofing and good thermal insulation. Other applications can include foundation slabs, building basements, 3D printed walls, water conduits and reservoirs, etc.